(آج سےميں يوم آذای کی مناسبت سے خصوصی پوسٹنگ بھی کروں گا اميد ھيکہ آپ پسند کريں گے)
Country Information - Islamic Republic of Pakistan (PART 01) اسلامی جمہوریۂ پاکستان
Religion and Pakistan
The Islamic republic of Pakistan and Islam are synonymous since Pakistan was carved out of the Hindu dominated British India so that Muslims could live and practice their religion free of any bondage, subjugation and fear. Today, about 97 percent of all Pakistanis are Muslims. As per a rough estimate, Sunni Muslims constitute 77 percent of the population and that adherents of Shia Islam make up an additional 20 percent. This makes Pakistan the second largest Sunni population in the world (after Indonesia) and the second largest Shia population in the world (after Iran). Most of the Sunnis adhere to the Hanafi school of jurisprudence, whilst most of the Shias belong to the Ithna 'ashariyah school of jurisprudence. Smaller Muslim sects include the Ismailis and the Dawoodi Bohras. Christians, Hindus, and members of other religions each account for about 1 percent of the population. Although, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a predominant Muslim state, its minorities are given equal opportunities to participate in the affairs of the state with complete freedom and the right to practice their own faith. This is manifested in the form of large number churches, temples and other holy places of minority religion population.
Badshahi Mosque, Lahore
Islam is the dominating religion of almost 97% people of Pakistan, since Pakistan was carved out of the erstwhile British India on the basic plea by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan that Hindus and Muslims are two separate entities and they cannot coexist under one roof for many reasons, religion and religion related dissimilarities being the major cause. While Hindus worshipped cow, Muslims, like all other religions, ate it as a blessing from the Almighty Allah. Hindus drink urine, while Muslims treated as impure thing to do. Hindus turned towards hand made idols for worship, while the Muslims bowed in humility towards the all powerful Creator of the mankind and the universe. Therefore Muslims of India decided to find a place for themselves where they could be free to practice their religion as per the aspirations and tenants of Islam. The popular slogan at that time was "Pakistan Ka Matlab Kia - La Illah ha Illilal La" (What is the meaning of Pakistan - There is no God but Allah").
The central belief in Islam is that there is only one God, Allah, and that the Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) was his final messenger. Muhammad is held to be the "seal of the prophets." Islam is derived from the Judeo-Christian tradition and regards Abraham (Ibrahim) and Jesus (Isa) as prophets and recognizes the validity of the Old Testament and New Testament. The word Islam comes from aslama (to submit), and the one who submits- -a Muslim- is a believer who achieves peace, or salaam. God, the creator, is invisible and omnipresent; to represent God in any form is a sin.
The Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) was born in A.D. 570 and became a merchant in the Arabian town of Mecca. At the age of forty, he began to receive a series of revelations from God revealed through the angel Gabriel. His monotheistic message, which disdained the idolatry that was popularly practiced at the Kaaba (now in the Great Mosque and venerated as a shrine of Muslim pilgrimage) in Mecca at that time, was ridiculed by the town's leaders. Muhammad and his followers were forced to emigrate in 622 to the nearby town of Yathrib, later known as Medina or "the city." This move, the hijra, marks the beginning of the Islamic era. In the ten years before his death in 632, the Prophet continued preaching and receiving revelations, ultimately consolidating both the temporal and the spiritual leadership of Arabia.
The Quran, the holy scripture of Islam, plays a pivotal role in Muslim social organization and values. The Quran, which literally means "reciting," is recognized by believers as truly the word of God, and as such it is eternal, absolute, and irrevocable. The fact that the Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) was the last of the prophets and that no further additions to "the word" are allowed is significant; it closes the door to new revelations. That there can be no authorized translation of the Quran in any language other than the original, Arabic, is crucial to its unifying importance.
The Prophet's life is considered exemplary. His active engagement in worldly activities established precedents for Muslims to follow. These precedents, referred to as the hadith, include the statements, actions, and moods or feelings of the Prophet. The Quran and the hadith together form the sunna, a comprehensive guide to spiritual, ethical, and social living.
The five pillars of Islam consist of certain beliefs and acts to which a Muslim must adhere to affirm membership in the community. The first is the shahada (testimony), the affirmation of the faith, which succinctly states the central belief of Islam: "There is no god but God (Allah), and Muhammad is his Prophet." To become a Muslim, one needs only to recite this statement. Second is salat, the obligation for a Muslim to pray at five set times during the day. Muslims value prayers recited communally, especially the midday prayers on Friday, the Muslim sabbath. Mosques have emerged as important social and political centers as a by-product of this unifying value. The third pillar of Islam is zakat, the obligation to provide alms for the poor and disadvantaged. The fourth is saum, the obligation to fast from sunrise to sunset during the holy month of Ramadan, in commemoration of the beginning of the Prophet's revelations from Allah. The final pillar is the expectation that every adult Muslim physically and financially able to do so perform the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, at least once in his or her lifetime. The pilgrimage occurs during the last month of the Muslim lunar calendar, just over a month after the end of Ramadan. Its social importance as a unifier of the greater Muslim umma (community of believers) has led to the establishment of hajj committees for its regulation in every Muslim country. The pilgrimage of a Muslim to the sacred places at any other time of the year is referred to as umra (visitation).
The concept of predestination in Islam is different from that in Christianity. Islam posits the existence of an all-powerful force (Allah) who rules the universe and knows all things. Something will happen- inshaallah- if it is God's will. The concept is not purely fatalistic, for although people are responsible to God for their actions, these actions are not predestined. Instead, God has shown the world the right way to live as revealed through the Quran; then it is up to individual believers to choose how to live.
There are two major sects, the Sunnis and the Shia, in Islam. They are differentiated by Sunni acceptance of the temporal authority of the Khulfa-e-Rashudin - Caliphate (Abu Bakr, Omar, Usman, and Ali) after the death of the Prophet and the Shia acceptance solely of Ali, the Prophet's cousin and husband of his daughter, Fatima, and his descendants. Over time, the Sunni sect divided into four major schools of jurisprudence; of these, the Hanafi school is predominant in Pakistan. The Shia sect split over the matter of succession, resulting in two major groups: the majority Twelve Imam Shia believe that there are twelve rightful imams, Ali and his eleven direct descendants. A second Shia group, the numerically smaller Ismaili community, known also as Seveners, follows a line of imams that originally challenged the Seventh Imam and supported a younger brother, Ismail. The Ismaili line of leaders has been continuous down to the present day. The current leader, Prince Karim Agha Khan, who is active in international humanitarian efforts, is a direct descendant of Ali.
Left to Right: Faisal Mosque (Islamabad), Shah Jahan Mosque (Thatta), Idgah Mosque (Multan)
The mosques are place of worship of the Muslims and are revered in high religious esteem. Muslims take much love and care while constructing mosques to express their faithfulness and allegiance to Allah. The Muguls during their rule in India, constructed some of the most exotic and beautiful mosques in the world. Badshahi Mosque in Lahore stands as the symbol of Islam throughout the world of Islam. Some other beautiful mosques of Pakistan include the Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, Masjid Wazir Khan (Lahore), Masjid Mohabat Khan (Peshawar), Idgah Mosque (Multan), Bhong Mosque (Rahim Yar Khan) and the beautiful Shah Jahan Mosque of Thatta.
Other Religions in Pakistan
Christians are the largest religious minority community in Pakistan, numbering only around 1.6 million people, or 1% of Pakistan's entire population, according to the sources cited in the Demographics of Pakistan. Christians found their way to India through missionaries accompanied colonizing forces from Portugal, France and Great Britain, but in north western India, today's Pakistan, Christianity was mainly brought by the British rulers of India in the later 18th and 19th century. This is evidenced in cities established by the British, such as the port city of Karachi, where the St. Patrick's Cathedral, Pakistan's largest church stands, and the churches in the city of Rawalpindi, where the British established a major military cantonment. Christians have made immense contributions to the Pakistani national life. Pakistan's first non-Muslim and certainly most respected Chief Justice of Pakistan Supreme Court was Justice A R Cornelius. Pakistani Christians also distinguished themselves as great fighter pilots in the Pakistan Air Force. Notable amongst them are Cecil Chaudhry, Peter O'Reilly and Mervyn L Middlecoat. Christians have also contributed as educationists, doctors, lawyers and businessmen.
Gurudwara Dera Sahib Panjvin Patshahi - Lahore (Photo courtesy: Autumn Sun and Autumn Colours
Sikhism in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan constitute a very small minority religion, but has many cultural, historical and political ties to the country, and to the historical region of Punjab. Pakistan has a significant place in Sikhism. Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism was born in present-day Pakistan, and it is said he received his message near Lahore. Therefore, the religion actually originated in Pakistan. Most of Sikhism's holy sites are located in Pakistan. Many other great Sikh leaders, including Ranjit Singh and several gurus, were born in Pakistan.
Prior to the Partition of India in 1947, which divided British India into its successor states of Pakistan and India, Sikhs were spread all across the region of Punjab and played an important role in its economy as businessmen and traders. Lahore, the capital of (now Pakistani) Punjab was then and still is today the location of many important religious and historical sites for Sikhs, including the Samadhi of Ranjit Singh. The nearby town of Nankana Sahib has nine gurdwaras, and is the birthplace of Sikhism's founder, Guru Nanak Dev. Each of Nankana Sahib's gurdwaras are associated with different events in Guru Nanak Dev's life. The town remains an important site of pilgrimage for Sikhs worldwide. The historical and holy sites of Sikhs are maintained by a Pakistani governmental body, the Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee, which is responsible for their upkeep and preservation.
The largest Sikh population in Pakistan is found in Peshawar, in the Northwest Frontier Province. Sikhs are also found in sizable communities in Waziristan and Swat of the Northwest Frontier Province. There are also pockets of Sikhs in Lahore, Nankana Sahib, and Hassan Abdal in Punjab, and Gwadar, Kalat, and Quetta districts of Balochistan. The (West) Punjab and Sindh provinces of Pakistan were mostly emptied of their Sikh and Hindu population during the process of partition. Today, very large segments of the populations of East Punjab and Haryana states and Delhi in India can trace their ancestry back to towns and villages now in Pakistan, including current Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Recently, due to open door policy, Pakistani Sikhs have been given commission into the Pakistan Army.
Gurudwara Dera Sahib Panjvin Patshahi - Shrine of Guru Arjan Dev (1563- 1606 A.D) Lahore : Gurudwara Dera Sahib is situated opposite Lahore Fort near Badshahi Mosque. This is the place where Sat Gur Arjun Dev Ji was martyred in the River Ravi facing the tortures inflicted by Chandu on 30th May 1606 AD. The Gurudwara was built by Maharaja Ranjit Singh in the memory of Guru Arjan Dev, the fifth Sikh Guru who complied the Adi Granth, the principal part of Sikh scriptures. This shrine has a highly gilded attractive dome. The followers of Guru Arjan Singh assert that it is the same spot where Guru Arjan Dev miraculously disappeared in 1606 A.D. in the waters of river Ravi. The site where Guru Arjun Dev was martyred a Thara (platform) Sahib was built at by Guru Hargobind Ji in Samvat 1919 when he came to Lahore visiting Gur Asthans. |
Hinduism was once the main religion of areas that are now included in Pakistan and dates back to Mehrgarh and Indus Valley Civilizations. It remained unchallenged religion of the Indian sub-continent till the first invasion of Arabs in 711 AD by Muhammad Bin Qasim. Thereafter, it endured many conquests and invasions, different rulers, and ultimately political separation from the Hindu-majority India. In August 1947, at the end of British Raj, the population percentage of Hindus in what is today Pakistan was perhaps as high as 30-35%, but would drop to its current total of less than 2 % in the years since partition. When Pakistan gained independence in August 1947, over 7 million Hindus and Sikhs from what was East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and Pakistan's Punjab and Sindh provinces left this new state for India, and a similar number of Muslims moved the other way. Many Hindus who attained great success in the public eye in India, like the film stars Dilip Kumar, Dev Anand, Raj Kapoor, and Sunil Dutt trace their birthplaces and ancestral homes to the towns of Pakistan. Independent India's first Test cricket captain, Lala Amarnath hailed from Lahore, and former home Minister Lal Krishna Advani was born in Karachi.
Others: Besides, a small faction of Parsis and Zoroastrians also practice their faith, most of whom generally reside in Karachi. Pakistan is also the birthplace of Mahayana Buddhism, the form of Buddhism that is practiced by most Buddhists today, including those in India, Japan, China, Korea, and Vietnam. The religion enjoyed prominence in the northwestern section of the country up until the Islamic conquest.
The Flag and Emblem of
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Crescent and the Star
The National flag of Pakistan was designed by Ameer-ud-Din Kidwai, and was adopted upon independence on August 14, 1947. The national flag of Pakistan is dark green in colour with a white bar, a white crescent in the centre and a five-pointed star. The green section represents Muslims, while the white section represents non-Muslim minorities. The crescent represents progress; the star symbolizes light and knowledge. The flag (above centre) was displayed by Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan in the first session of the Pakistan Constituent Assembly in Karachi, on 11 August 1947. Four days later the flag was ceremoniously unfurled throughout Pakistan on the dawn of 15 August 1947. The flag was stitched by Master Abdul Hakim, Begum Liaquat Ali Khan's tailor.
The National Emblem
National Emblem (left) - Flag Government of Pakistan (right)
The National Emblem of Pakistan was adopted in 1954 upon approval by the government. The emblem is usually coloured green, and that with the addition of the crescent and star at the top represent the Islamic majority religion of Pakistan.
In the centre of the emblem is a shield that represents agriculture through a portrayal of the four major crops of Pakistan at the time of its adoption: cotton, jute, tea, and wheat. The floral wreath around the shield is representative of the history of Pakistan, as the wreath is a Mughal design. Finally, the scroll at the bottom contains the national motto of Pakistan in Urdu. The motto is a saying of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and reads from right to left: Iman, Ittehad, Tanzeem which translates as "Faith, Unity, Discipline".
Left to Right: Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Founder of Pakistan) - Mr Asif Ali Zardari (President) - Mr Raja Pervaiz Ashraf(Prime Minister)
Government of Pakistan
The official name is "The Islamic Republic of Pakistan". A country with 150 million people (97% Muslims) is located in South Asia and borders India, Iran, Afghanistan, China and the Arabian Sea. Population wise it is the sixth most populous country in the world, while in the community of Islamic countries it ranks second after Indonesia. An important member of the OIC, SAARC and ECO. Pakistan is also one of the few declared nuclear weapons states.
Officially a federal republic, with a history of military takeovers due to inept and corrupt politicians who made fortunes out of the meager resources of the country and at the cost of much needed development and its poor people. Its membership from the Commonwealth was suspended after the take over of the reins of the government by Chief of Army Staff General Pervez Musharraf in October 199. However, the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group re-admitted Pakistan into the Commonwealth, formally acknowledging its progress in returning to democracy in May 2004. However it was again expelled from the organization after the president imposed emergency in November 2007 and suspended the sitting CJ of the Supreme Court - an issue which at present is ahead of every issue and a deadline of 12 May has been given for restoration of judges - the nations sits with fingers crossed.
Pakistan is a federal republic with a semi-presidential system, with four autonomous Provinces â€" Balochistan, Sindh, Punjab, and NWFP (North West Frontier Province) in addition to the Federally Administered Tribal Areas and the Federal Capital Territory. Pakistan also exercises de facto control over the state of Azad Kashmir (Azad meaning Free in Urdu) and the Northern Areas.
The bicameral federal legislature comprises the 100-member Senate (with seats equally distributed among the provinces and the FATA and the capital) and the 342-member National Assembly (both chambers have reserved seats for women and religious minorities). Senators are elected for six-year terms (with half retiring every three years), whilst members of the National Assembly are elected for five-year terms. The President of Pakistan is the Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, and is elected for a five-year term by the Electoral College of Pakistan â€" comprising the Senate, the National Assembly, and the four Provincial Assemblies. The President’s appointment and term are constitutionally independent of the Prime Minister’s term.
The Prime Minister of Pakistan is usually the leader of the largest party in the National Assembly, and is assisted by a cabinet of ministers drawn from both chambers of the federal legislature.
The present National Assembly elections were held in February 2008 and a coalition government has been in place of two major parties, i.e., PPP and PML (N). The previous government of Mr Shaukat Aziz and his party PML (Q), which was the only government in Pakistan to have sustained its full 5years' tenure was badly mauled in the recent elections and are now in opposition. The choice of the prime minister by co-chairperson Mr Asif Ali Zardari for Mr Yousaf Raza Gilani instead of an old stalwart Makhdoom Amin Fahim created a stir in the political life of Pakistan, but had since subsided and new government under new PM is in place. In an presidential election held on 6 September 08, Mr Asif Ali Zardari, co-chairperson of the PPP, was elected as the 13th president of Pakistan.
One notable outcome was the elections 2002 was election of 91 women to Parliament â€" the largest number (and the largest percentage) of women in the parliament of any Muslim-majority country.
Each province has a Provincial Assembly elected for five year terms through competitive multi-party elections, and which in turn elects a Chief Minister â€" the executive head of the province. The Chief Minister nominates the governor and the Provincial Assembly ratifies the nominee for a five year term.
The National Anthem of
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
A Tune to Die For
For the newly born sate of Pakistan, there were many challenges, and one of these was the necessity of having a national anthem. Upon independence, when the the flag was hoisted it was accompanied by the song, " Pakistan Zindabad, Azadi Paendabad". The flag itself had only been approved by the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan three days earlier. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, wanted an anthem immediately on independence and at his own had asked a Lahore-based Hindu writer, Jagannath Azad on 9 August 1947 to write a national anthem for Pakistan in five days. The anthem written by Azad was quickly approved by Jinnah, and it was played on Radio Pakistan. This initial anthem remained as Pakistan’s national anthem for approximately eighteen months.
Āe sarzamīn-e-Pāk Zarre tere hain āj Sitāron se tabnak Roshan hain kehkashān se Kahīn āj teri khak | | O land of Pakistan, Each particle of yours Is being illuminated by stars. Even today your dust has been Been brightened by the galaxy |
In 1948, A.R. Ghani from Transvaal, South Africa, offered two prizes of Rs. 5,000 each for the poet and composer of a new national anthem. The prizes were announced through a Government press note published in June 1948. In December 1948, a National Anthem Committee (NAC) was formed, initially chaired by the Information Secretary, Shaikh Muhammad Ikram. Committee members included several politicians, poets and musicians such as Abdur Rab Nishtar, Ahmed Ghualm Ali Chagla and Hafeez Jullandhuri. But nothing could be immediately finalized and when President Suekarno of Indonesia, the first foreign head of the state to visit Pakistan, visited Pakistan in 1950, Pakistan's national anthem was not played. It was then that the National Anthem was composed (WITHOUT LYRICS) by musician Ahmed Ghulam Ali Chagla, which was played on March 30,1950 on the arrival of King of Iran Reza Shah Pehalvi. The first instrumental anthem was played by the Pakistan Navy band at PNS Dilawar under Warrant Officer Abdul Ghafoor. The anthem was also played during the Prime Minister's visit to the United States. Although it was approved for playing during the visit of the Shah, official recognition was not given until January 5, 1954. In the meantime, however, Mr Ahmed Ghulam Ali Chagla had died in 1953, before he could see his tremendously appealing tune to have been accepted as the final anthem of Pakistan. His contribution to the national anthem was recognized by the government of Pakistan in 1996, when he was posthumously awarded the "President's Pride of Performance award", which was received by his son Abdul Khaliq Chagla on March 23, 1997.
Left to right: Jagannath Azad - Ahmed Ghualm Ali Chagla - Hafeez Jalandhari
After 7 years since independence, the search for proper lyrics for the national anthem, finally ended and the lyrics written by Abdul Hafeez Jalandhari were finally approved and became the official national anthem of Pakistan in 1954. The delay had occurred since the lyrics had to be superimposed on the music already composed by Mr Chagla in 1950. On 13 August 1954, Hafeez Jalandhari sang his own written National anthem on Radio Pakistan, which had 15 lines. Later the anthem was composed in the form of chorus, sung by Shameem Bano, Kaukab Jahan, Rasheeda Begum, Najam Ara, Naseema Shaheen, Ahmed Rushdie, Zawar Hussain, Akhtar Abbas, Ghulam Daastagir, Anwar Zaheer and Akhtar Wasi Ali. The entire anthem is for 80 seconds and some 38 instruments were used in its recording. The first colour film with flag and anthem was produced on January 19th, 1955 in USA.
Ahmed Rushdie and Others
The entire text is in Persian except the word "ka" (red in text below) which is in Urdu. Download Pakistan's National Anthem
میرا نیا بلاگ - اپنی رائے کا اظہار کیجئے
M Shoaib TaNoLi
Karachi Pakistan
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